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media type="custom" key="27111244" media type="custom" key="27111260"media type="custom" key="27111256" To address the environmental problems faced by the East African region, the International Livestock Research Institute ([http:www.ilri.org/| ILRI]) has invested in an environmental research and education centre. Dubbed the Mazingira Centre, which is the Swahili word for ‘environment’, the facility is based at ILRI in Nairobi and has the capacity to measure a set of environmental parameters including livestock system GHG emissions, water flows as well as water and soil quality. This centre supports one of the research areas under ILRI’s Livestock Systems and Environment ([http:livestocksystems.ilri.org/| LSE]) program which aims at understanding and managing the environmental footprint of livestock. This it does by providing accurate and context-specific information on the environmental impacts of intensifying livestock production systems, particularly on nutrient cycles and GHG emissions.

News and Updates

In an important first for Africa, climate data ‘Made in Kenya’ New environmental research centre improves GHG emissions inventories for the livestock sector in East Africa A new project initiated to manage short-lived climate pollutant emissions from livestock manure